Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Wanna come to my pity party?

I have no idea what is wrong with me today. Maybe its the progesterone or maybe its just sadness. I keep having these feelings that I will not get pregnant again without major medical intervention  This is not even an option financially right now and it just saddens me. I am not even out of this cycle's TWW and I am already feeling defeated.

I know I should try and stay positive, but it is so hard to do! I am very grateful for the 2 healthy and beautiful children we have but I have wanted this so bad. This has taken over our life in 2 week chunks for the past year and I am just getting tired of it.

Pity party rant over.


  1. Oh girl. I have heard that couples going through this tend to be hyperfocused on getting pregnant and it becomes ALL you can concentrate on. It's hard when we want something so bad! I'm thinking about y'all and sending fertile juju your way :)

  2. Thanks friend! Can you send some Texas weather to us too? LOL
