Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Nervous Nelly

So I have been pregnant for 3 days now. I went in for blood work yesterday and hope to have my beta count by tonight or tomorrow. To say I am worried is a total understatement.

I have not truly enjoyed the last 3 days like I thought I would. All I keep thinking about is whether or not Speck will stick around (yes that’s our nickname for the little one!).  Like many other women TTC, I spent vast amounts of time on Fert.lity Friend, reading TTC blogs and looking on other TTC related websites. I can remember reading about chemical pregnancies, ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages.  That is all that I have swirling in my brain right now.

I am almost too scared to get excited about this. We did tell some family & friends and I instantly felt regretful for doing so as I was convincing myself that something bad will happen. I guess this is the price you pay for being too educated about what can happen.  Its also the price you pay for knowing you’re pregnant as early as possible.

Please tell me I am not the only one who has felt this way??


  1. You are definitely NOT alone my friend. I had myself in a frenzy for 4 days (from the time I took a HPT that I was not suppossed to do in the first place, to the time I had my beta test). Chemical pregnancies was all I would read about even though I knew it worried me. It was like I was searching for an article to tell me I was reading too much into the situation and that I was pregnant. It was like I was trying to get my pregnancy confirmed through someone else's article/story. Keep us updated on your results. People can say "stay positive" all they want. It's so hard to do that at times, especially when you are a fertility patient.

  2. Hi.

    Congrats on the new pregnancy! Can you give me your email to send my password? The one you have attached to your wordpress account bounced.

  3. Oh so sorry! My email is melissaahazelton@yahoo.com

    Thanks so much!
